This week on the Kinjaz PodKast we have the guy that help co-produce #GOBANGO, Mister Rocks himself, Peter Hong!  

He talks on his entire music journey from being in a high school band, changing up careers after college and quitting his high paying job to travel on his first tour, to now continuing to follow his passion by driving all his energy in the artists he believes in.  Listen up on all the music history!  Enjoy!


Peter Hong

My Ninja Clothing 2007-2010

Go Bango

The Kinjaz Present: GO BANGO\

Studio 5A -

Justin Park -

Demi Cao -

The Beat Freaks -

John Hughes -

Korg Trinity Keyboard - Korg Trinity

Homestyle Band

Costco Wholesale -

Zachary Hahn

Pigeon John -

Tatum Jones -

Far East Movement -

Kinjaz -

Kinjaz Dojo -

Brian Puspos -

Benji -

KrnFX -

Edward Shin -

Miguel Holly

Nick Jenkins  -

Mary Lambert -

JD McElroy -

Amber Liu -

Kahi -

Kim Hyun Joong -

MIB (Most Incredible Busters) - M.I.B

David Isaac

The Waveys

Harvey Mason Jr. -

Phil Garvin -

Quincy Jones Documentary -


We love we live we balance and we forgive.  Repeat.
Have faith good music will prevail.